Book Language : French
ISBN : 9782897730901 ; 9782897730178
Author : Peter Wohlleben
Publication date : 2018
Pages : 168
Wonderful spruces, striking beeches, enchanting oaks… From Thailand to Quebec, passing through the Amazon and Siberia, the little-known world of trees and forests appears to us in a new light thanks to this selection of the most beautiful images from the plant world. They support the remarkable plea of Peter Wohlleben, the internationally renowned author, to change our relationship with trees. This illustrated album is an invitation to see forests differently and discover their secret life. It explains how the society of trees is organized, and also shows how large plants help each other, communicate with one another, and manage to live for hundreds or even thousands of years while playing an active role in the threatened biological diversity. The Secret Life of Trees is a work woven with surprising anecdotes that reveal a panorama both enchanting and bewildering.